1: Cervical circle surgery, which places sutures around the cervix to prevent miscarriage, is performed on some women who have had a previous miscarriage.
2: If the baby is not in the birth position with her head down, the obstetrician will manipulate the baby externally to position the baby in the correct position. This is called the external head version (ECV).
3: Diagnose birth defects while the baby is still in the womb, including techniques such as ultrasound detection of Down’s syndrome and chorionic villi sampling.

Women's UTI
Some women are more likely to get a UTI due to a gene. The shape of their urinary tract increases the chances of infecting others. Women with diabetes may be at increased risk because their immune system is weakened and unable to fight the infection. Other symptoms that may increase your risk include hormonal changes, multiple sclerosis, and anything that affects urinary flow, including kidney stones, stroke, and spinal cord injury.
Women's Heart Health
Heart disease is the nation`s leading killer of women. But paying attention to risk factors and living a healthy lifestyle can help keep heart disease at bay.
Among women, 90% have one or more risk factors for heart disease at some point in their lives, according to American Heart Association statistics. Yet 80% of cardiovascular diseases are preventable.
Women’s heart attack symptoms may cover a wider spectrum compared with symptoms in men. Women, like men, can experience symptoms of a “classic” heart attack, such as chest tightness, chest discomfort, or shortness of breath.

This article was written by Sudeep Updahye.
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