What are the symptoms of Asthma?
If you have asthma, it is important to know what is happening in your airways and what asthma symptoms are common. Understanding the symptoms of asthma can help you know what the triggers are, when you need medication for quick relief (“rescue”), and when a medical emergency occurs.Asthma When there is , there are three changes in the airway:
1. Airway swelling
2. Excess mucus clogs the airways
3. Muscles contract, compressing the airway
This swelling, congestion, and muscle tension narrows and narrows the airways. This makes it difficult for air to flow easily through the airways, making breathing difficult. This causes asthma symptoms, also known as asthma episodes, flares or attacks. It can happen anytime. Mild symptoms may last only a few minutes, but more severe asthma symptoms may last hours or days.
Breathing is difficult and exhausting, like trying to breathe through a straw stuffed with cotton.
Common signs and symptoms of asthma are:
• Shortness of breath
• Coughing
• Chest tightness or pain
• Wheezing (a whistling sound when breathing)
• Waking up in the middle of the night with asthma symptoms
• Low peak flow meter readings (if used)
Not all asthma sufferers have the same symptoms. He may have only one symptom, or he may have multiple symptoms.
Early Warning Signs of an Asthma Episode or Attack
There may be early signs that an asthma episode is imminent. These signs may appear before more obvious asthma symptoms appear. Recognizing the warning signs and taking steps to prevent an asthma attack can help you manage your asthma properly. Early warning signs may vary from person to person, but common warning signs include:
•Increased mucus/sputum production
•Runny nose / stuffy nose / stuffy nose
•Itchy throat and jaw
•tired, weak, or lacking energy
•Hunchbacked shoulders, slouching
Your doctor can help identify early warning signs. If you have early warning signs, treat them as if you are in the yellow/caution zone. For quick relief, take your asthma medication as soon as the first symptoms start to appear.
Clinical Trials & Asthma with Onyx Clinical Research in Flint, MI
If you suspect you have asthma based on these conditions, please make sure to sign up for a clinical trial with us in Flint, MI! Onyx Clinical Research is a major provider of Clinical Trial Research in Flint, MI. Please Contact Us today if you’d like to learn more.