Rheumatologists also treat a group of disorders called “systemic autoimmune disorders.” Other terms heard and read interchangeably with systemic autoimmune disease are “collagen vascular disease” and “connective tissue disease.” This is a group of diseases in which the human immune system attacks one’s body. It causes inflammation in unnecessary parts of the body, causing problems such as pain, swelling and damage to organs. These diseases can affect any part of the body, including the eyes, skin, nerves, kidneys, lungs, heart, and other internal organs. All systemic autoimmune disorders can cause joint inflammation and arthritis.
Therefore, rheumatologists are considered specialists in the treatment of this group of diseases. Some examples of systemic autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Shogren’s disease, scleroderma, polymyositis, and vasculitis. However, there are more than 100 types of arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders. Many rheumatologists are also studying the causes of rheumatic diseases and better treatments.
Information about Clinical Trials
Onyx Clinical’s Rheumatology teams are experts in the scientific approach, standard of care, growing regulatory requirements, and operational factors required to bring medications and devices to market that treat or prevent muscle issues. Our significant experience in rheumatology studies, together with our proven track record of success in the rheumatology CRO market, means that we can adapt to each rheumatology trial’s specific demands.
In order to ensure success, we help our clients:
- Plan and conduct rheumatology studies for drug/device and skin care safety in an efficient and effective manner.
- Conduct big rheumatology endpoint trials efficiently while adhering to stringent safety guidelines.
- Integrate rheumatology trials without difficulty.
Crucial Rheumatology Information
Deep and Broad Rheumatology Experience
We’ve done hundreds of Phase I-IV rheumatology trials for pharmaceuticals and medical devices since our establishment in 2017.
We have learned the following from these studies:
- Involved patients in nearly 50 different countries
- Contributed to countless rheumatology NDAs
- Pioneered many of the preventative rheumatology drugs and devices introduced in the past 15 years
- Conducted studies including acute care setting, drug/device combination, large outcome, thorough QT, as well as managing Clinical Endpoint Committees (CEC) and adjudication processes for numerous studies